Information is Power

Its nice to see how people keep others in the loop. At times, to keep you informed. At others, to keep a tab on you. Our insecurities as mere human beings wrought with an unscrupulous knack for survival, incapacitates us from being the very essence of the ideology that we as humans chase. "Humanity".

There is no such thing as humanity, save our egocentric ideas of how great we are. Or rather, can be. We are quite truthfully inebriated by our need for supremacy. And in the battle for supremacy, there is no room for this humanity that we so proudly proclaim.

Which only speaks to me, of how ignorant we are as humans. So proud, so involved and so self deceivingly naive that we do not know when we are in the wrong. And in our blatant ignorance, there is a significant amount of shallow pride.

We expect, without qualms: loyalty, respect, love, trust and the list goes on. But some of us don't know the A of what it would mean to give back the same. So engrossed pointing fingers, we forget what we might have done, perhaps, to deserve the treatment dished out to us from someone we know did care for us at one point.

We are great, only when compared to others, which would mean we are higher, because there are others below. And that's the contemptible truth of our " humanity."

By my discourse it would seem that I have a certain amount of contempt for being human. Not quite there yet. I try however, to be able to see myself clearly. I fail to see why we are so keen on succeeding at the expensive of the failure of others. I don't understand why we are so afraid of someone else's greatness when compared to ours.

I do not understand, when, I have seen, that for the most of us, still sponges to emotion, we look for company, companionship and comfort. Yet to some of us, those hold no value when against competition.

I try, to accept those around me for all that makes them human. But at the complete lack of awareness and self oblivion as some do admit to in sarcasm, I fail to understand where all the ideals they so boldly claim begin and where they end?

People's ignorance and lack of any respect for the very expectations they have from others, Tickles me. I am only learning now... more like re-learning.

We all think we're right, doing circles in this loop, fiercely fighting each other, behind cheers and hugs. Holding the other by the shoulders and brawling in the dirt of our falseness.

And so here, welcome to the loop. You asked for it.

1 comment:

  1. i am some point in our life we realize this....dont we???dont expect anything unless u too give them the same expectations...hmmmm...there is nothing like unconditional some point we learn this and we learn to expect from others.....seeing pride in the defeat of is sad but such is the world now where competition means everythign to people....people seem to forget every thing in the name of competition...ur post now reminds me of the movie i was watchign soem time back "the devil wears prada" which meryl streep says to anna hathaway "you chose to get ahead....u want this life u choices are necessary"...made me realize a lot....have time for ur friends and family always....ther might be things which might make us rich happier but at the end of the day we are not the same we have changed and we slowly start being unhappy..
    P.S :sorry for the long post.....


Sure, why not, let me have it.