The new Preamble -Piece-ful Protests, Pieceful Republic-

Another day for celebrations. Another glorious day to be marked down in someone's history. Not ours. But someone's. A day, to burn the sheets rolled by little burnt fingers, to fill the streets that obviously aren't loud enough, with some more noise. To explode into the air, some smoke because there truly isn't enough: perhaps to add a hazy effect to this glorious event. A day to bathe the streets in products of murdered trees...just so the sweepers tomorrow, actually have something to work.
A glorious day indeed.

Could I feel more patriotic? Surely not as much as I do today. For today, is day, when I know, where I belong. Or more aptly, to which precise part of this magnanimous ocean of diversity that I belong to.
A glorious day indeed.

Where am I really? I can safely say, without the fear of being slapped with the title of a non patriot, that I, am a citizen of the world. Proud.


In a world, lost in its own innovated complexities. Lost, deciphering the existing complexities. In a world speeding towards the edges of an inescapable mountain of mass invented doom. India as broken.

Perhaps a late realisation. Maybe long ago. But India, is broken.

Broken, because of her diversity. Broken because of her divisions, her geographical hemispheres, her border tolls, the different climates within her length and breadth, broken by her rivers, broken by her faiths. Broken because of the very essence of her democracy. An ode to this Broken Republic.

Today I shed a tear. Shed a tear because of my shameful lack of conviction. A tear for the apathy that I have coaxed myself into. Today I shed a tear, because for the first time, I am ready to leave her.

I know this isn't the end. It is only the beginning. Congratulations to the State of Telangana. I hope I have spelt you wrong. Here's a ticket, to Koorg, to Maharashtra, to the East within, the east outside? Well here, take one, come, break us more. Or watch with glee.
None of you are far away from your own long fought for victories. The secret is out, just starve, if not one of you, then five, for the next state ten, and twenty for the next. That is all it would take. To think of all the years you lost in trying to work it out. Starve. Starve, because just being an integral part of this country isn't enough. Starve because you want more. Kill, fight, threaten, and use your democracy for all of it's ideals. Congratulations to all: Tlangana and to all the rest that will soon follow. Way to go! cheers! Hurrah! Break some empty bottles of well consumed liquor, pollute your streets, pollute your air, they're all YOURS now. All your battles have been won. Haven't they? And your world has healed and no more troubles prevail. Who the hungry children? Who the exploited workman? What the crumbling trees? and who the sold girls? Nothing! The biggest problem has been solved.

Where are all my "brothers and sisters"? Are they lost in the long forgotten Preamble that I can no longer truthfully proclaim?

A glorious day. Indeed.

1 comment:

Sure, why not, let me have it.