The Lost Accountability of this Democracy

We've got the titles in place. The offices occupied.  The papers strewn, and the promise of goodness, all in its place. But somewhere, we've got to admit, there's a lot of action missing. The drama exists. The action, sits comfortably as prints in the pages that house and profess those very titles. Of course, we are a Democracy. Because that's what that giant book concludes with all of its many amendments.

Vox populi, power to the people, the great rule of the people, we the people, all of it. Who are the "We" in this people that we've become. "We" seemed to have been herded into one giant bunch with patriotic, heart warming, goose pimple bringing words like "we", "together", "unity in diversity", "hum hain Bharati".
I don't think we asked for this consolidation of our billion emotions into one humongous "we" that WE are well aware, doesn't really exist. To that we nod one great nod of approval- at the truth of "our" in-existence.  "We", is just a convenience. A shorter word to use than "all those", "each and every", "me, she, then that one, that one, that one, and that one, and also that one". "WE" just gets so much easier.

But that of course is beside the point I've taken time off from my other wise event-less Saturday to try and say something.  The question that's really got me thinking here is, where is the existence and rule of the people, when "we" as a people, are not an active people? So where then, are all the decisions being made, if its not me, and you, and the girl next door?

By the looks of it, it is clear that not much good is happening around here. But then again, there is some order in chaos and someone sure HAS to be making all the decisions for "us". The ones that WE were promised to be able to make ourselves. The ones that WE decided, were not worth our time.

See I like Democracy, because technically, it lets me have an opinion. But I think I'm just as much of a disgrace to this democracy that sadly, doesn't need anymore capitalizing, as you, and you and most of you.

It took a conversation with someone, a cup of nicely made Grandma's Special Tea and the very persistent smoke of a seemingly addictive cigarette for me to realise this. 

I know how much we love to point fingers at them, because they did this, all the wrongs, the few rights, they did them all. They anger us, they make our blood boil, they leave us to shake our heads in repetitive disapproval and tuts of how this country's going nowhere, and in effect, so aren't we. Unless of course we have the money for that flight away and someone or somewhere to go to from there.
They don't know how to do anything, and all they do, is bring us down.

Sure why not, but one rebuttal for a question and if we were to ask "who 'they' are, we don't know!" I know I've asked myself this question on many an angry mornings back when I did used to keep myself aware by reading the paper. But My mornings have been nice off late, and you can only imagine why.

See, but I see the truth now. Because the truth is, what ticked me off was the simple fact that I wanted change, but I was willing to do just about nothing to make that change happen. How is a democracy to run in all its greatness, with an ineffective people? WE have not spoken. WE haven't worked, WE haven't fought, We haven't questioned, and so, quite plainly, WE have failed.

The yous and mes have comfortably lost our own accountability in the effective functioning of our ignoramus Democracy. This great numerical number of a billion that consolidates Us into this country, has forgotten the power it holds and how abused this power has been, by its inactivity.

All the They's we hate so much, are right there sticking their fingers out in the dark gali-s of their blind eyes. Because in the absence of a people, we witness today, the absence of a real Democracy.


  1. Good jawb mentioning what we know but choose to ignore cuz we're too busy blaming "them" and secretly thanking whoever it is that it's not us.

  2. Come join us social workers 8-)
    We need people like you.

  3. Drumster! You know I heart you :) where're you working now?

  4. I'm not working at the moment, love....I'll start doing that from Nov onwards, but if I ever have to start an NGO, you will be hearing from my people

    p.s. yourblogissorad!

  5. hehe thank you hon :) I heart that you think my blog is rad whoopee!

    And well, I'm gonna be waiting for a call from your people Missy.


Sure, why not, let me have it.